Who am i ?
Primitive Skills
The Definative Directory to every Primitive Skills site on the Net!!

My Name
is Michael Beckett and I live in Roy, Washington USA. I'm 29 years old, married, with 4 kids.
       I created this website because I love primitive skills.  I love the idea that the earth provides everything we need in a very basic form.  What I mean by that, is, todays food can go through a myriad of processes to get to our table. Not just our food but also our clothes, shelters, water, fire.   Fire, you say?  Well seriously think about it, most people start a fire with either a match or a lighter .  Where do matches and lighters come from, how are they made,  what are they made out of, where do those materials come from, how are those materials put together and how are they shipped and finally unpacked, displayed on a shelf, advertised and purchased? That's a freaking lot of processes for something as basic as fire!   
   As I said above and I'll repeat for emphasis, the earth provides everything we need while only requiring a minimum of processes. Food can often go from plant to mouth, or plant to boiling water to mouth or plant to powder to heat to mouth.
  Obviously I'm preaching to the choir because you're here at this site because you already have an interest in primitive skills and you have your own reasons for that.
  I guess something else that needs to be said is, I'm not some master primitive skills man who can live in the booneys with nothing but a loin cloth and a sharp piece of flint, build a  two story shelter with sticks, track deer for miles with my hands tied behind my back and blindfolded or take down a bear with sharp finger nails and secret indian ninja  moves.
  Nope that's not me, I'm just an average guy who has an above average love for walking through the woods beating my own trails. I have an interest in the plants I walk by and whether or not they're edible or medicinal. I see tracks and scat and wonder who made them and when. I notice the weather and hope I can see and learn its patterns. I enjoy the seasons and how it effects the forest. I get thirsty and think about where to find the nearest water source and whether or not it needs filtering and how. It rains and I look for shelter and figure how to make some. It gets cold and I practice fire by friction.  There's no magic here, just an interest in the basic simplicity of things.

Primitive Skills Links the website
So now we come to this website, it basically came about because I found it some what annoying to come on the internet and try to find what I wanted to read, yes the internet has all the info but if you don't know how to find it then well it's useless.  So as I found what I was looking for I cataloged it so others don't have to look so hard!  Therefore making my efforts seem so much more productive!